• House #405, Street #3, Amir Tower, Near Kefayat Super Market, Darulaman Road, Kabul Afghanistan
  • +93 (0) 790200500

Event Management Service

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Belal Elham Co worked in different fields and specifically we have experience with INGOs & NGOs in Provision of Logistics Services, Event Management and Cash Disbursement, we are working together with INGOs & NGOs and Government focal points in booking venue, purchasing stationary, preparing attendance for participants, providing lunch and refreshment and distribution of DSA and transportation cost at the end of each event and helping in preparing of FACE and SOE, we currently have event management and cash disbursement contracts with INGOs & NGOs in Afghanistan's Country Office, Central, Southern and Northern region and our performance evaluated positively and due to our good performances most of our contracts extended and more locations added to the contracts.