• House #405, Street #3, Amir Tower, Near Kefayat Super Market, Darulaman Road, Kabul Afghanistan
  • +93 (0) 790200500


About Company

We Provide a Reliable Services Over Past Years

Belal Elham Logistic & Supply Services (BELSS) is registered with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce under license No 42507 as an Afghan privately owned and operated Logistic firm, and Supply service provider. The firm is engaging in providing its services through partnership-, short- and long-term technical engagement, and joint venturing. The company strives to serve both the public and the private sectors through customized service delivery packages. Our engagement with the public sector is primarily in the realm of providing technical services in infrastructure development, maintenance, and management functions.

BELSS is the formed by a group of Afghan technicians and experts who had previously rendered same services and activities in Afghanistan in the past several years. Although recently registered with this name, the firm staff and capacity is the extension and continuation of a prominent company _ The BELSS willingly opted for a paradigm shift the formation of new team and capacities for the sake of becoming more competitive and effective.

This is a unique team of professionals with human and physical resources. BELSS is the coherence of various capacities that culminated as a strong and competitive entity and thus, has since become a well-established technical service provider and consultancy. During this time the firm (in its previous engagement) served a range of clients including the private sector, the Coalition Forces, International Agencies, the Government of Afghanistan Institutions, and the NGO community. We have consistently engaged with our clients to meet their critical needs.

During the past years of successful operations, we have learned a lot from every project implemented. During this period, we made a good number of customers which is one of the keys to our success. Over the years, loyal employees embraced a Logistic and special team that has built trust among the client’s market through their long history of involvement in key and expert positions they held previously. The Logistic service provider team inducted in the firm has brought a wide range of knowledge, experience, and value added. The BELSS has targeted rapid but balanced growth since its establishment. Always maintaining a strong financial position, the firm will make sure enjoying the honour of having an impeccable corporate reputation as a result.

Our Mission

To meet our client's developmental needs and meet with their expectations through continued improvement in crucial value sets of Project Management, such as Quality, Cost, Time and Safety and by operating at forefront of Technology.

Our Vision

To be among the leading Logistic and Supply service provider company in Afghanistan by offering client's satisfaction through Superior Customer Service, On-time Delivery, Innovative Engineering and Technology.


Project Completed


Active Members


Satisfaction Rate

Our Goodness

Management Structure

Belal Elham Logistics and Supply Services has the privilege of having fully committed, dedicated and smart personnel/staff equipped with high level of knowledge and plethora of experience in their fields.

Moreover, BELSS has provincial representatives and focal points in addition to the above organogram. The staff and personnel of BELSS is well qualified which is able of carrying certain tasks required and desired by our clients and partners. The CVs and their experiences are also depicted throughout the proposal and annexes.